Category: Creative Writing

Creative Writing
Laurel Alper

Space To Write

Hello! I hope you are enjoying the London sunshine, Time has flown since the last blog post, which was written just after the sparkly 10th Creative Writes Birthday Words & Wine celebration. It’s been a busy time. Essentially, I have been busy creating space to write both for myself and the groups and individuals I

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Creative Writing
Laurel Alper


Hello! I hope this finds you well and enjoying the start of Spring (it’s feeling a bit too chilly here in North London to believe it is actually Spring!). It’s been a whirlwind at Creative Writes and the blog post I wrote a while ago has taken a back seat for now. I wanted to

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Creative Writing
Laurel Alper


Hello Happy New Year to you all. I hope you had a wonderful Festive Season. 2019 marks ten whole years of Creative Writes! This feels like a significant Birthday, so we are going to celebrate… There will be a special Words & Wine Workshop to celebrate our Birthday in March 2019 and we are plotting other ideas…watch

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creative writing
Creative Writing
Laurel Alper

Grabbing Words, Building Stories

Welcome to Creative Writes & to Autumn, I have been writing this blog post in my head for quite a while and am delighted to finally be typing it out! I work in a wide range of settings and there’s a lot to digest. No day is the same and I meet such wonderful people.

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Creative Writing
Laurel Alper

Summer Tide

What has the summer brought so far? I know it’s been a while since the last blog post. Sometimes, life picks up a tremendous speed, just like the tide. I have, as usual – been learning so much from facilitating my Creative Writing & Poetry Workshops and I wanted to share some Summer highlights with you here. I

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September Writes

Welcome to our Creative Writes blog and to September… The change in the air is palpable with the new season.  A time for contemplation, plans and of course, words. I have been sharing poetry and writing prompts which mark this shift and usher in Autumn. The responses in my creative writing workshops have been very

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Learning to Drive

Learning to Drive… What’s that got to do with creative writing? Well, I was driving home from my friend’s house the other day and started to think about a time when I didn’t know how to drive. I was taken back to my very first lesson and tried to remember how it felt; turning the

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Summer Stories

Hello, Welcome summer, welcome all! I am delighted to share my Creative Writes summer stories with you, about our Creative Writing Workshops. One of the highlights was the first Creative Writes Words & Wine Creative Writing Workshop last week at a new location in Muswell Hill, North London, N10. The atmosphere was relaxed and the

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So, What Happens in a Creative Writing Course?

So, what happens in a creative writing course? I am often asked what exactly goes on in a creative writing course. There are Creative Writing Courses going on all around London but I like to think that the Creative Writes Workshops are a little different…Nestled in a quiet, inspiring corner of Muswell Hill, small groups

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Finding the creative writing connection…

Finding the creative writing connection… What I mean is this – there is a difference between creative writing and creative writing with a connection. The good news is that this creative writing connection can be nurtured. It can be nurtured within us, by reading and savouring words, by developing our interest and passions, by knowing

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