Category: Exercise

Caroline Freedman

The Scoliosis Handbook

The Scoliosis Handbook of safe and effective exercises pre and post surgery. Exercise has been my saviour both physically and mentally, building my confidence and helping to alleviate my pain. A Personal Trainer for over 23 years, I have extensive knowledge of scoliosis both through my clients’ and my own personal experience from three scoliosis

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How I Beat Back Pain in 7 Days

How I Beat Back Pain in 7 Days So first up, happy New Year … and what an embarrassing start to it for an Alexander Technique teacher it has been …  I put my lower back out larking about with a friend’s son on New Years Eve! He was much heavier than I realised and

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Jaw Clenching during Abdominal Exercises

Jaw Clenching during Abdominal Exercise A great question and was asked by one of the football players when working with them at the M606 football camp earlier in the year. Have you seen those guys in the gym clenching their jaw so tight or really pursing their lips when lifting heavy weights? Or have you seen people

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