Category: Law


Too Hot To Work?

With temperatures continuing to stay high in parts of the UK this week, at the start of the summer whether employees work from home, in an office or another workplace, rumours often circulate about employees’ rights in relation to the temperatures in which they can legally work. Following the covid pandemic, many employees continue to work

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Laurel Alper

COVID-19: Guidance For Employers On Their Employees Returning To The Office

Introduction During July most legal restrictions on social distancing were brought to an end, including the instruction to work from home if you can, enabling more businesses and offices to reopen.  Whilst this will be welcome news for many sadly, covid cases and deaths are still part of our everyday life.  The government has published

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Laurel Alper

How to Deal With Restaurant/Food Court Leases in Shopping Centres

You are a casual dining, QSR or fast-food operator. You have been trying to get into a shopping centre for a while and have finally been offered a coveted place in the food court. What to expect? You will be offered a lease to sign unless you have a pop-up type concept when you might

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Laurel Alper

It’s Common to Misunderstand Family Law

The word “common” can have many uses. Yesterday I went for a walk on the common, closely followed by my usual (or common) afternoon tea and a read of the papers which was filled with ordinary (or common) people making the usual (or common) mistakes. The most common mistake being talked about at the moment is

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Laurel Alper

Finders Keepers

When I still lived at home, I often got into trouble for “borrowing” my mum’s clothes.  I once walked into the kitchen to ask my mother if I could borrow her belt. “Which belt?” she asked, confused. “This belt”, I answered, proudly showing the one I’d already put on, together with the matching shoes and jacket, knowing

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laurel leaf networkings blogs discrimination
Laurel Alper

Me Too

Harassment whether by men on women, men on men, women on men or women on women is in the news every day. Whether you a potential US Supreme court judge, a film producer or just a manager in an organisation harassment is unacceptable. Legally it is defined as ‘unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected

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Laurel Alper

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Relative

I know that it’s a bit flippant to be making jokes about death, because this is a serious subject, but it’s still an accurate comment. When you die, the probability is that your family will be wanting to know what, if anything, they’ll be getting. You may think that this is going to lead into me

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Laurel Alper

Counting Shoes

I often tell people how busy I am but that I love it because I don’t know what else I’d do. I don’t really have any hobbies. I enjoy watching football and I’m happy to have a good meal and a nice glass of wine, but I can’t really describe them as hobbies. Hobbies are things I

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Annus Horribilis
Laurel Alper

Annus Horribilis – it’s GDPR!

So we’re nearly halfway through the year, and already people are talking about what’s been good, and what’s been not so good. I’m British – so I’ll start with the weather.  It’s been cold and wet and had far too much snow.  We’ve had one week of sunshine which made everyone complain that it was

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