Category: Lifestyle

Food & Restaurants
Denises Kitchen

Hearty Green Vegan Laksa

Denise says: This is an Asian-inspired comfort food. It is a full meal ‘soup style, vegan, gluten free recipe that is above all totally delicious. My kind of recipe on a cold winter’s day – lunch or dinner. The recipe is divided into 3, the laksa paste, the soup broth and the toppings. Typically, laksa

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Eco Graphic Designs

Eco Friendly Tips

Reduce 1. Use a reusable bottle/cup for beverages on-the-go You might already have a reusable water bottle, but do you use it all the time? You can put that reusable bottle to use, save money, and reduce waste. By taking your own water with you, you’ll also reduce your chances of purchasing more expensive beverages

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Laurel Alper

How To Stop Your Glasses From Fogging

How to fight the fog? Tips on how to stop your glasses steaming up: From 24th July 2020, face coverings are now mandatory in shops, banks, indoor public spaces and stations to protect us and reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). And people have started to realise there is an irritating side-effect for those who

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Laurel Alper

How to Stay Focused Working From Home

Working from home is not for everyone – we’ve all heard that said before – but many of us worldwide are now being forced to work from home. It can be challenging, especially when you have to adapt in the midst of all the other uncertainties COVID-19 has brought. These strategies can help you stay

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fears mindfulness mind body soul energy laurel leaf networking blogs
Laurel Alper

Step Out of Fears Way, and Play a Bigger Game

Do you have a big vision and a passion to make a difference? Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by the day to day to make that vision a reality? Does it feel like the longer you leave it, the further away it feels? This weekend I was training 22 lovely people who all have

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Laurel Alper

The Happiness Advantage

People who are happy and have meaning in their lives are not only more productive and more resilient at work, they take less sick days, they perform better in leadership roles and they receive higher pay. So says Shawn Achor, who lectured on positive psychology for 12 years at Harvard University and so says Martin

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new years resolutions
Laurel Alper

The Secret to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

“People who develop action plans experience less anxiety, more confidence, improved concentration and greater satisfaction about achieving their goals and are more likely to succeed.” – Philip Clarke, psychology lecturer What’s the difference between vague hopes and New Year’s resolutions that stick?  It’s organisation.   If you’re ready to discover tips and tricks to help you

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Autumn Invites Us to Slow Down

Autumn invites us to slow down. With its rusty colors and “crispy” air, it almost demands that we stop and take all its beauty in. The harvest season brings along a magical quietness which allows us to open our heart in gratitude for the old & new in our life. The end of summer can

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When Help Doesn’t Help

We all like to help others. It makes us feel good about ourselves and often gives a purpose to our life. But help doesn’t always help and more often than not we end up giving too much away if not careful. For many giving and helping gives them a sense of worth. Others believe that

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Want An A* For Organisation This School Year?

Autumn is here, which means for most people it’s time to get back to the daily grind. School uniforms need ironing, PE kits don’t get themselves ready and packed lunches won’t magically assemble overnight. No kids? It’s no easier to go back to work after a holiday. Snoozing alarms isn’t an option anymore and the

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