Category: Mind & Body

Right At Home Camden, Hampstead & Golders Green

What Are The 10 Early Signs of Dementia?

Dementia is a progressive disease that affects memory, thinking, and behaviour. It is caused by damage to the brain cells. Early signs of dementia can be subtle and are often missed or mistaken for regular age-related changes. Knowing how to spot the early signs of dementia can help families to get help at the right

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Mind & Body
Daniel Anderson

How To Keep A Positive Mindset For Your Business

You must always remain positive no matter what challenges you encounter. It’s not what we want to hear after 2020. Its been a rocky ride for all of us and we’ve had knock-backs with our businesses. i know that a positive mindset in business is vitally important, but when my phone falls silent and my

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Mind & Body
Laurel Alper

Relational Body Psychotherapy

When was the last time you felt comfortable in your skin? When was the last time you felt like someone literally held your back? What does it feel like under your skin? When will you grow a new skin? Where do you feel safe in the world? These are all the questions that I have

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Mind & Body
Laurel Alper

3 Key Steps in Creating Your Soul Inspired Vision

Do you have a vision to create change in the world? Are you frustrated by all messages that the world is in distress? Do you have ideas on how to change that, but not sure how to bring your ideas to life? Stepping into this role and doing something to create positive change in the

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Mind & Body
Laurel Alper

5 Ways to Actively Reprogram Your Thoughts

In the past, I was wary of those what seemed seductive but harmful thought and emotions so I decided it was time to learn techniques to actively reprogramme my thoughts and resultant emotions. You can too. This is possible as our personality is not cast in stone from our childhood; the brain is reprogrammable at any age.

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Mind & Body
Laurel Alper

How To Step Into Your Power

Is your fear of what others think holding you back from living your purpose? Are you afraid to speak up and express your truth? Do you hide quietly in the background so you don’t have to show up? I have always felt more comfortable blending into the background. Those that know me best, might not

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Mind & Body
Laurel Alper

How to Take Aligned Action to Your Soul Purpose

Do you know, without doubt, that you have a bigger purpose in life you absolutely want to fulfil? Or do you have the deeper nagging sense that you want to do something bigger in this lifetime but you can’t quite join all the dots together to give you absolute clarity and certainty of what it

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Mind & Body
Laurel Alper

How to Accept All Parts of Yourself (Warts and All)

Do you wish you didn’t have certain negative feelings? Do you believe when you eradicate all your negative thoughts everything will be ok? There seems to be a perception that once you eliminate, or transcend, your negative feelings, everything will be ok. But that’s not entirely true. We all have feelings and thoughts that feel

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Mind & Body
Laurel Alper


Transition Definition: Noun, originates mid-16th century from French, or from Latin ‘transitio’, from transpire ‘go across’ means: “the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another”. In this blog I am going to talk about the concept of Transition. At the start of my week I offer group work around bereavement

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