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Numbers R Us Ltd

Are Mega Sized Marshmallows Zero-Rated?

In the UK most basic food stuffs are zero rated. However, the definition of ‘basic’ is not straightforward and many of the foods are zero rated as a result of historical legislation dating back to the introduction of VAT in 1973. Famously, cakes are zero rated but not all biscuits are zero rated. However, biscuits

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Small Business
Laurel Alper

Why I Love MeetEdgar

I often get asked which social media scheduling tools I use for my clients’ social media posts. I sometimes use Hootsuite and Buffer, but my favourite platform is a little-known gem called MeetEdgar. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to choosing the right scheduling platform for your business so here’s some pros and cons of MeetEdgar

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Digital Adjustment

5 Ways to Give Your Smoothie an Energy Boost Smoothies are a delicious and nutritious way to start your day, but sometimes they lack the punch to really energise you. Try these five simple add-ins to supercharge your next smoothie: Nut Butters – A spoonful of all-natural peanut, almond, or cashew butter adds protein and healthy

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Website Design
Metropolis Web Design

Thoughtful Web Design: Crafting Your Digital Masterpiece with Care

At Metropolis, we believe that thoughtful web design is the key to creating a website that truly resonates with your audience and achieves your business goals. Our tagline, “Thoughtful Web Design,” isn’t just a catchy phrase – it’s the driving force behind everything we do. When you work with us, you’re not just getting a

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Laurel Alper

Pitch Perfect At Networking Events

A compelling business pitch (aka elevator pitch) is essential for effective networking in today’s fast-paced world. A pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what you do, when you’re introducing yourself at a networking event. The goal is to deliver a clear, concise, and engaging summary of your professional

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