Category: Business

mega-sized- marshmallows-zero-rated-blog
Numbers R Us Ltd

Are Mega Sized Marshmallows Zero-Rated?

In the UK most basic food stuffs are zero rated. However, the definition of ‘basic’ is not straightforward and many of the foods are zero rated as a result of historical legislation dating back to the introduction of VAT in 1973. Famously, cakes are zero rated but not all biscuits are zero rated. However, biscuits

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Laurel Alper

Pitch Perfect At Networking Events

A compelling business pitch (aka elevator pitch) is essential for effective networking in today’s fast-paced world. A pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what you do, when you’re introducing yourself at a networking event. The goal is to deliver a clear, concise, and engaging summary of your professional

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408 Media

The Essentials of Ecommerce SEO: What You Need to Know Before Hiring an Agency

As the digital landscape continuously evolves, beyond social media visibility and relying on advertising, the strategic importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for ecommerce businesses cannot be overstated. A well-executed ecommerce SEO strategy enhances your site’s visibility and organic search rankings and significantly boosts your conversion rates by attracting more targeted traffic. Ecommerce SEO specialises

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Antyra Solutions LLC

Leveraging TikTok As A Destination Marketing Platform

How do you position your travel destination with the next generation of travellers? Highlights Approximately 50% of TikTok’s global audience is under 34 years, and 26% fall between the age group of 18 to 24. Key hashtags like #Travel and #Tiktoktravel have more than 25 billion views. Destinations like Dubai have initiated their own TikTok

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Antyra Solutions LLC

Top 5 Email Marketing Benefits For Businesses

Imagine a bustling marketplace, overflowing with vendors vying for your attention. In today’s digital landscape, small businesses face a similar challenge. Social media feeds are flooded with content, and websites compete for a sliver of your precious online time. So, how do you stand out from the crowd and connect with your target audience in

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Laurel Alper

Adding Value To Other Business Members In A Facebook Group

One of the frequent questions I am asked by our members is how they should advertise their services in any of our 7 Facebook groups. Knowing what to write is a skill that doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Here are some tips on how to manifest positivity and engagement when promoting your services to an

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Laurel Alper

Elevate Your Network IQ: Mastering the Art of Meaningful Connections

In today’s hyper-connected world, the significance of networking cannot be overstated. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a professional seeking career advancement, or an individual looking to broaden your horizons, the ability to cultivate and leverage meaningful relationships is paramount. However, networking isn’t just about collecting business cards or adding contacts on LinkedIn; it’s about building authentic

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Laurel Alper

Beyond Handshakes: Elevating Your Business Networking Game

In the fast-paced world of business, successful professionals understand that networking is more than just exchanging business cards and firm handshakes. It’s about cultivating meaningful connections, building relationships, and creating opportunities for mutual growth. Let’s explore strategies to elevate your business networking game beyond the traditional rituals of handshakes. Embrace Authenticity: Gone are the days

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Laurel Alper

The Profound Investment: Why Attending Networking Events Is Vital for Businesses

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the significance of networking events for businesses cannot be overstated. These events offer invaluable opportunities for professionals to forge connections, build relationships, and ultimately drive business growth. While some might view networking events as mere social gatherings, they are, in fact, powerful investments for any business, regardless of its

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Laurel Alper

Why In-Person Networking Is So Effective

In-person networking has long been considered an effective way to build professional relationships and advance business development. While the rise of digital communication and social media has expanded the reach of networking, there are several key reasons why in-person networking remains a powerful and valuable tool for personal and professional growth: Personal Connection In-person interactions

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