Category: Employee


Too Hot To Work?

With temperatures continuing to stay high in parts of the UK this week, at the start of the summer whether employees work from home, in an office or another workplace, rumours often circulate about employees’ rights in relation to the temperatures in which they can legally work. Following the covid pandemic, many employees continue to work

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Work Avenue

Top Tips for Creating the Perfect CV

Think like an employer When creating or working on your CV, try to adopt the mindset of an employer and imagine how they would see your CV. It can sometimes be hard writing about yourself as you will have had personal experiences in each job and may have preferred some to others. But try to

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Workin’ 9 to 5 – what a way to make a livin’

Dolly Parton sang to us about the pitfalls of working regular hours as long ago as 1980 yet it took until almost two years ago for the UK to introduce legislation around flexible working.  Since 30 June 2014, all employees have had the statutory right to request flexible working after 26 weeks of employment service.  Yet

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It takes two to make a baby…

One year ago yesterday, the Government introduced the concept of shared parental leave (“SPL”) with an estimated a take up of between 2 – 8% in the first year.   SPL gives parents the option of sharing statutory leave and pay between the two of them, rather than the traditional method of the mother being

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ChildCare Vouchers

With Wednesday’s budget all over the news, and the continued media scrum over Brexit or Fixit, a little known change in employment law has slipped in, unnoticed by most yet, I suspect, of importance to many. Childcare vouchers are an employee benefit for all eligible working parents.  They’re a Government-approved, tax-efficient way of paying for

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Good Credit Control Can Help Your Company Manage Cash Flow

Credit check your customers and set their credit limit Always monitor customer’s credit limits. Ensure that customers credit limit is adhered to and not to be exceeded. Before taking on any new customers always be sure to credit check them. A late paying customer will affect your cash flow and your business. By credit checking

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Christmas Business Bonuses

Christmas Business Bonuses They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions so employers should always consider these few points before dishing out their Christmas bonuses. 1. Even if it is explicitly stated in the contract of employment that any award of a Christmas bonus (or indeed any other bonus) is entirely discretionary,

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