Category: Employer


Too Hot To Work?

With temperatures continuing to stay high in parts of the UK this week, at the start of the summer whether employees work from home, in an office or another workplace, rumours often circulate about employees’ rights in relation to the temperatures in which they can legally work. Following the covid pandemic, many employees continue to work

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Using a Myth Buster Saves You Stress and Sleepless nights

Employment rules and regulations are serious stuff.  If it goes it wrong it can be expensive, stressful, time consuming and will cause your business reputational damage. An experienced HR person well versed in the in the maze of employment rules and regulations will see you safely through the minefield. There are several myths around concerning

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How Not To Fall Foul Of The Home Office

All employers in the UK have a responsibility to prevent illegal working. It is mandatory that  employers must check prospective employee’s status to ensure they have the right to work in the UK before they start work. This obligation can be discharged by carrying out a simple right to work check. Proof of a properly completed right to work

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Laurel Alper

No Fuel, No Work

Lack of Fuel Help my employee is stuck because they can’t fill their car up and can’t get into work. The current petrol disruption has put great strain on employees ability to get to work and in some cases to carry out their normal duties. At present it is unclear when this situation will be

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Laurel Alper

How Much National Insurance Do I Pay As An Employer?

As an employer, UK National Insurance is a tax that is paid based on the amount you pay your employees and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) go into a state pot, which is used to fund certain state benefits and public sector services. As an employer, UK National Insurance is a tax that is paid based

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Laurel Alper

How to Flexi Furlough

Flexi-furlough (FFS) Over the weekend the government has published updated guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough), setting out the pathway to the phasing out of the scheme. It provides details of the complex mechanism under which flexible furloughing – part-work/part-furlough – will be allowed from 1 July 2020. The document below sets out

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Laurel Alper

Furlough Advice

HMRC has still to finalise the detail of the operation of the government initiative concerning furlough. Shown below is an unofficial document prepared by an MP which helps to clarify points raised. It is still important to get your affected employees to sign a document agreeing to go on furlough. Please contact me if you

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Abolition of Fees

Since 2013, employees have had to pay a fee of up to £1,200 to take their employer to a tribunal.  This led to a drop of around 70% in the number of claims, enabling some employers to take a robust approach to employee relations because of the heavily reduced risk of a claim. The Supreme

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Workin’ 9 to 5 – what a way to make a livin’

Dolly Parton sang to us about the pitfalls of working regular hours as long ago as 1980 yet it took until almost two years ago for the UK to introduce legislation around flexible working.  Since 30 June 2014, all employees have had the statutory right to request flexible working after 26 weeks of employment service.  Yet

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It takes two to make a baby…

One year ago yesterday, the Government introduced the concept of shared parental leave (“SPL”) with an estimated a take up of between 2 – 8% in the first year.   SPL gives parents the option of sharing statutory leave and pay between the two of them, rather than the traditional method of the mother being

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