Category: Finance

TaxAssist Accountants

How Businesses, Landlords And Homeowners Can Cope With Rising Interest Rates

Contact TaxAssist Accountants via email. With the UK’s interest rates at a record high, what can business owners, landlords and homeowners do to deal with the impact? As the Bank of England looks to tackle the UK’s soaring inflation, it has raised interest rates 13 times since December 2021. The increase to 5% in June

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TaxAssist Accountants

A Guide To The Lifetime Allowance Pension Tax Changes

TaxAssist Accountants Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0203 827 6333 Following the surprise announcement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer that he would abolish the Lifetime Allowance; we have seen a marked increase in queries from clients with larger pension pots. Clients are starting to wonder if it now makes sense to move money from a general investment account

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Soteria Safes

The End of Bank Safe Deposit Boxes: What You Need To Know

As many banks phase out bank safe deposit boxes, what other options are there for valuable goods? Several high street banks have stopped providing safe deposit boxes, potentially putting valuable and expensive items at risk. Customers who rely on these boxes to keep treasured pieces safe are now left with few options to make sure

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Private Detectives Corporation

Corporate Debtor Tracing In The UK And Abroad

Working to trace debtors for business in the UK and globally Debtor tracing, by its very nature is a time-consuming and costly process when you try to go it alone, relying only on the resources you have in-house. Irrespective of whether you’re trying to recover a few thousand pounds or millions of pounds, the search

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How Much Does it Cost to Install an EV Charger?

With an EV vehicle secured, you’re already on your way to achieving a greener, sustainable lifestyle. But now, you may be considering saving cost and time by installing an at-home EV charger. A home charging point not only ensures that your battery is always full, it also means you’re significantly reducing your carbon footprint, achieving

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Marc Burman

New Year, New Start… Make A Will

Normally many of us have new years resolutions or at least a list of things we want to achieve in the coming year, but have you added making a Will to your list? Why should you? Let’s take a look. What is a Will and why should you write one? A Will is an important

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Ritesh Goel

Autumn Budget 2021 Summary and Highlights

Rishi Sunak announced his third Budget as Chancellor of Exchequer to Parliament on Wednesday, 27th October. Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered his Budget 2021 speech to the House of Commons today – a fiscal approach designed to prepare the UK for an “age of optimism” in the post-Covid-19 economy. Nevertheless, Mr. Sunak sounded a note of

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Laurel Alper

Budget 2021 Summary and Highlights

Chancellor Rishi Sunak used his Budget on 3rd March to outline the UK Government’s plans for taxation and COVID-19 support packages targeted at businesses and individuals during the economy’s phased re-opening. The UK has borrowed an unprecedented £280 billion so far to safeguard critical areas of the national economy and the spending looks set to continue well into

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Laurel Alper

Furloughing Staff And The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

The Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has been extended until December, following the Prime Minister’s announcement of a second month-long lockdown. The scheme, also known as the furlough scheme, has been designed to support employers who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and allow them to access a grant covering 80% of eligible employees’

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Laurel Alper

Are You Getting the Best Return on Life You Possibly Can?

When it comes to investing, the current standard of return on investment (ROI) can be self-limiting, adding pressure that is counterproductive. So much of ROI is not within our control. We can diversify investments––always a good strategy––but we cannot control how the markets perform or how global events affect the markets. Just as meteorologists can

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