Category: Hypnotherapy

Laurel Alper

Reclaim Your Sparkle with Hypnotherapy

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will continue to rule your life and you’ll call it Fate.” Einstein. Do you feel vaguely uneasy, out of sorts, restless? Do any of these emotions – guilt, fear, sadness, anger, shame surface irrationally from time to time? Do you feel blocked, stuck? Do you feel you deserve

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Laurel Alper

Success and the 1 Percent

I’m very interested in the idea of success. One thing I find interesting is that everybody has a different definition of what makes one ‘successful’. Everyone has their own skills, their own experience and their own qualifications. So what is it that differentiates people who have the same skills, similar knowledge, and similar qualifications? Sometimes,

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I Don’t Want To Have A Positive Mental Attitude Anymore!

I Don’t Want To Have A Positive Mental Attitude Anymore! Over the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking about those well worn words “positive mental attitude”.  I hear them all the time.  “You must have a positive mental attitude”; “where’s that positive mental attitude of yours?” Well I am announcing here and now that I’m

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Eczema & How Hypnotherpay Can Help

  CALLING ALL ECZEMA SUFFERERS!! ECZEMA & HOW HYPNOTHERAPY CAN HELP Pain, itching and discomfort are signals, they are the body’s warning system telling us that something is wrong and they protect us from danger and damage. Many skin conditions, if not caused by psychological factors are often aggravated by them, because the skin is

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Fears, Phobia and Anxiety (part 1)

Fears/Phobias and Anxiety – PART I What is a Phobia and What is Anxiety? Both Phobias and Anxiety are terms used to describe types of fear responses.  Phobias tend to be more specific and greater in intensity and anxieties tend to be more general and of less intensity. However as anxiety increases it can turn

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Eczema & How Hypnotherapy Can Help

CALLING ALL ECZEMA SUFFERERS!! Eczema & How Hypnotherapy Can Help Pain, itching and discomfort are signals, they are the body’s warning system telling us that something is wrong and they protect us from danger and damage. Many skin conditions, if not caused by psychological factors are often aggravated by them, because the skin is highly

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Stress and Fear of Networking

Fear plays a very important part in our lives.  It protects us; it keeps us safe. Remember how I talked about our Fight or Flight response in my last blog.   Had our ancestors not been afraid of that sabre tooth tiger we might not be here!  But we are.  Not only are we here, we

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Stress and the 21st Century

Hello everyone, I’m Monica Black and this is my first Blog to this site.   it’s all about Stress and how we cope or not cope with it.  I’ll be writing a few blogs on stress and what we can do to help ourselves.  I hope you enjoy …….  STRESS AND THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SEEM TO GO

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