Category: Insurance

Laurel Alper

Summer and Your Home Insurance

Summer Holidays and Social Media — an Insurance Danger Zone Do you post about everything you do on social media? If so, there could be consequences. Quite apart from notorious issues such as your boss not seeing the funny side of your antics, your social media posts could also damage any insurance claim you have

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Laurel Alper

Don’t Lose Out on Your Insurance Claims

Making an insurance claim is stressful enough at the best of times, but it’s even worse if you don’t end up with the full amount you’re claiming for. Unfortunately, all kinds of pitfalls await the unwary, and these are two of them. Damage Mitigation Suppose you’ve been burgled. You find your door broken in and

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You And Your Building Insurance

Insurance is like seat belts in your car. We all hope we never need it, but it must be in full working order, just in case. Here are a few things to bear in mind about your building insurance. Top 5 Building Insurance Claims Most people who own a property, whether it’s their home or

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Thermography: Detecting Hidden Damage

Thermography: Detecting Hidden Damage When your house is being assessed for damage after an accident, much of it is obvious on sight. Some damage, though, is hidden and may only start causing problems long after your claim is settled, such as water damage in walls, or wet insulation. The only way to find these by

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Beware Tech-Savvy Burglars

I, AN INSURANCE ASSESSOR ADVISE – “BEWARE TECH-SAVVY BURGLARS” As a insurance assessor I see so many problems that arise from theft. If you think your valuables are hidden securely in your home, you may need to think again. Burglars are increasingly resorting to technology to lead them to the valuables hidden around the house

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