Category: Relaxation

How To Create Your Very Own Spa At Home

How To Create Your Very Own Spa At Home When youโ€™re feeling stressed and exhausted itโ€™s easy to imagine a day at the spa as a heavenly escape from it all!ย  However,ย itโ€™s notย always easy to find the time or money to get away, even for an hour let alone a whole day. But what if


Honour the needs of your body: My morning breakthrough

  Honour the needs of your body: My morning breakthrough   I’ve been wanting to write a piece for my blog for a few days now, and although I had some ideas, I was at a loss for words on what to write. My mistake was thatย I was looking forย inspiration in all the wrong places.


โ€œJust be yourselfโ€… What in the world does that mean?

โ€œJust be yourselfโ€… What in the world does that mean? โ€œWho wants to share?โ€ asked Paige Elenson, leader of Baptiste Yoga Level 2 training. โ€œDo I want to get up in front of over 100 strangers to spill my guts out?โ€ I thought to myself. This scenario was unlike any presentation I have had to


Change your perspective, change your life

I flew to the South West of France last week to meet my adorable five-month old nephew Eliott for the very first time. My sister-in-law and her husband live in Australia, so it was a treat to be able to spend time with them in Europe. Oh and the 20+ degree (celsius) sunny weather didn’t


Stress and Fear of Networking

Fear plays a very important part in our lives.ย  It protects us; it keeps us safe. Remember how I talked about our Fight or Flight response in my last blog.ย ย  Had our ancestors not been afraid of that sabre tooth tiger we might not be here!ย  But we are.ย  Not only are we here, we


The Logical Solution For Work Related Back Pain and R.S.I.

The Logical Solution For Your Work Related Back Pain and R.S.I. So you have tried osteopathy, or maybe chiropractic, or even physiotherapy, but after some temporary reliefย the pain always returns. And it’s not like you don’t know what causes you so much discomfort, it’s the hours sat at the computer every day at work, but


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