Category: Technology

Soteria Safes Ltd

Vault Technology and 24/7 Digital Security Systems

Guarding Your Assets: The Cutting-Edge Features of Vault Technology and 24/7 Digital Security Systems Advancements in technology have paved the way for cutting-edge vault technology and 24/7 digital security systems that provide the ultimate level of protection. From biometric authentication to state-of-the-art surveillance systems, these innovative solutions are designed to safeguard your most valuable assets, whether

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Laurel Alper

5 Hacks for Office 365 to Boost Your Productivity

They say time is money, and anyone who’s serious about Getting Things Done knows all about the importance of time management. Most of us find ourselves struggling to keep up with our to-do lists, especially in this digital age of information overload. Thankfully, our friends at Microsoft have come up with many ways to get

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Luke Edge

Encryption – What Is It and Why Use It?

You have most likely been told, or read somewhere on the internet that you should encrypt your computers but never really understood why. Hopefully, this blog will help you understand what encryption is and why you should use it to protect your devices. What is Encryption? I won’t bore you with the in’s and out’s

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Laurel Alper

Everything You Need To Know About The Dark Web in 2019

Just hearing the term Dark Web conjures up images of digital back alleys where people can engage in all sorts of illicit activities. We think of the stories we’ve heard in the news about strange (sometimes sick) individuals buying drugs, financial information, organs, or even people, through anonymous websites. And obviously, when we hear these

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Laurel Alper

The Danger of Links

Links are the way we quickly get to the things we want to see, but there is a hidden danger with links that many people don’t realise. It is very common for the link you see to be different from the link you will actually go to if you click it. This is very helpful

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Laurel Alper

Spreadsheets Love AI

Businesses use spreadsheets for analysing data. It’s the best tool around for it. The big names, of course, are MS-Excel and Google Sheets – both of which offer extreme levels of functionality to help you achieve pretty much any form of analysis you might need. You created rows and rows of data, across columns and

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Laurel Alper

Do I Really Need a CRM?

I am often asked, by small business leaders in particular, why they need a CRM application. Many businesses simply use MS-Outlook, perhaps in conjunction with one or more spreadsheets, to manage their day to day business. Indeed, that works fine – but for how long? In any case, lets look are some of the many

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Laurel Alper

Forget Bitcoin. Blockchain is the Real Hero of the Story

I suspect everyone has heard of Bitcoin by now. No, I’m not going to predict whether its value is going to plunge or soar. Frankly, I don’t care. If you want to know why I don’t care, read on. The term ‘Bitcoin’ is often used as a shortcut for ‘cryptocurrency’. There are thousands of cryptocurrencies out there

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Laurel Alper

Rise of the Chatbots: How AI Changed Customer Service

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an essential part of every successful business. Today, more businesses are taking advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) in order to automate and improve their CRM. Advanced technologies, such as chatbots and AI-enabled communication, mean that around-the-clock interactions and customer service is now a reality. It’s a welcome one in a

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Telecom Mistakes To Avoid When Starting A Business In 2017

Over 600,000 business were started in the UK in 2016, and that number is expected to be exceeded in 2017. There are many challenges for every one of these business start-ups, but some new businesses make it harder for themselves by making basic mistakes with their telecoms. In some cases it is because unsuspecting new

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