Category: Yoga

How I Beat Back Pain in 7 Days

How I Beat Back Pain in 7 Days So first up, happy New Year … and what an embarrassing start to it for an Alexander Technique teacher it has been …  I put my lower back out larking about with a friend’s son on New Years Eve! He was much heavier than I realised and

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Honour the needs of your body: My morning breakthrough

  Honour the needs of your body: My morning breakthrough   I’ve been wanting to write a piece for my blog for a few days now, and although I had some ideas, I was at a loss for words on what to write. My mistake was that I was looking for inspiration in all the wrong places.

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Poise, Not Posture

Poise, Not Posture – Don’t Try To Stand Up Straight! We’re being inundated with articles these days on the benefits of correct posture and how to achieve it, but nothing makes you tense up more than trying to adopt a “correct” posture and trying to be “right”. Throw away the idea of an idealised posture

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The Journey From Burnout To Baby…..

Thank you for visiting our blog and joining us on our healthy lifestyle on the road to having a baby and life in general! We aim to show both the man and woman’s point of view, feelings and experience on the road from recovering from burnout and chronic fatigue to having a healthy little baby as

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Alexander Technique and Core Stability

Myths, by their very nature, are very hard to dispel once they’ve taken hold. Despite the core stability myth being exposed nearly ten years ago, and journalist Peta Bee writing about it in The Times in 2010, from conversations I have with people I’d say its hold is as strong as ever.  The myth is that

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Perfectly imperfect: A journey that began with a torn hamstring

I was not a gymnast or a dancer, for heaven’s sake I could barely touch my toes… So when I first started practising yoga, I would get frustrated. The perfectionist and Type A in me always pushed harder and strived more. My ego would surface during every class, ignoring all of my body’s signals to

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