Category: HR


2024 May Be More Challenging Than You Think

While we all know that inflation, interest & business rates are going to continue to have a big impact on our cashflow compounded by the rise in minimum wage rates, there are a number of other HR regs coming down the tracks that most people are simply not aware of that will also have a

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Holidays and Holiday Pay

Holidays and how to calculate holiday pay are one of the most complicated issues facing HR professionals and businesses. Superficially it is simple everyone working full time is entitled to 28 (5.6 weeks) days paid holiday a year which includes the 8 bank holidays in England and Wales. They are paid at their daily rate.

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Passionate About Employment Contracts

Regular readers of my posts will now I am obsessive about the need for up to date employment contracts. I was recently approached by a client who had failed to pass on the contract I had prepared to his employee. The employer, because he had just put the prepared contract in the drawer and not

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Too Hot To Work?

With temperatures continuing to stay high in parts of the UK this week, at the start of the summer whether employees work from home, in an office or another workplace, rumours often circulate about employees’ rights in relation to the temperatures in which they can legally work. Following the covid pandemic, many employees continue to work

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Introducing Our 2023 HR Policy Library

Consists of 26 HR policies that are: Compact, Concise, Practical, Effective and Efficient HR processes born from years of employment law experience. We’ve designed them to be easy to read and understand by colleagues at every level of your business Covering the full range of ‘tricky employment’ issues that occur on a daily basis to

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How To Dismiss Staff Fairly And Avoid Stress

Five Fair Reasons for Dismissal To dismiss an employee fairly the business has to show that the dismissal falls into one of the five categories detailed below and to have followed a due process. Employees cannot bring a claim for unfair dismissal if they have less than 2 years completed service but companies should always have

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Using a Myth Buster Saves You Stress and Sleepless nights

Employment rules and regulations are serious stuff.  If it goes it wrong it can be expensive, stressful, time consuming and will cause your business reputational damage. An experienced HR person well versed in the in the maze of employment rules and regulations will see you safely through the minefield. There are several myths around concerning

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World Cup Fever

Why is this significant for employers? England’s campaign starts today when we play Iran and history has shown that major sporting events can disrupt working patterns. Depending how the previous games have gone it could be a crucial match or a non- event  (don’t be too pessimistic ) and consideration needs to be given as

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Important Changes To Fit To Note Signatories

Most people are aware that it is mandatory to provide employers with a fit note after 7 days sickness absence. These notes normally state whether an employee is fit or more often to return or occasionally may return to work under modified conditions. These are notes are signed by th employee’s GP. In an effort

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Employers – Why You Need An Employment Contract For Your Staff

The need-to-know bits when dealing with employment contracts. Employment contracts are not the most exciting topic in the world, but understanding your options and knowing what to do and when to do it, ensures things are managed quickly and efficiently, without exposure to employment claims. It is important to ensure that your employees’ contracts protect

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