Introducing Our 2023 HR Policy Library


Consists of 26 HR policies that are:
Compact, Concise, Practical, Effective and Efficient HR processes born from years of employment law experience.
We’ve designed them to be easy to read and understand by colleagues at every level of your business
Covering the full range of ‘tricky employment’ issues that occur on a daily basis to make you 100% legally compliant as they include every relevant employment legislation change since 2020
Developed by one of the UK’s leading employment law barristers and peer reviewed by some of the brightest legal minds in the profession.

Here’s what the policies cover:

01 Recruitment
02 Holiday
03 Flexible Working
04 Equal Opportunities
05 Drugs & Alcohol
06 Wellbeing
07 The Menopause
08 Maternity & Family Friendly
09 Homeworking
10 Social Media
11 Harassment & Bullying
12 Performance Improvement
13 Absence Management
14 Grievance
15 Whistleblowing
(Non-Regulated Sectors)
16 Bribery
17 Data Protection
18 Modern Slavery
19 Disciplinary
20 Redundancy
21 Right to work
22 Religious & National Holiday Celebrations
23 Company Cars
24 Computers, Email & Internet
25 Appraisal
26 Training & Development

A completely flexible package to tailor the policies to your specific needs
You have three purchase options:

  1. Purchase an individual policy for just £50.
  2. Purchase any 5 policies of your choice for £200.
  3. Purchase the full suite for £700.

Why invest in these policies?

Well, they are definitely right for you if:
🔹 You want to make sure your HR policies don’t come back and bite you at some point in the future.
🔹 You know that having a set of HR policies that are concise, easy for employees to follow and legally compliant will help you sleep easier at night.
🔹 You want to save tens if not hundreds of hours by not having to put together these policies yourself.
🔹 It’s been a while since you updated your current policy suite and you appreciate that these policies have been created by the UK’s leading employment barrister, whose job it is to keep on top of ‘all’ current legislation.

Right now, you’re at a potential crossroads…
Option 1: Stick with your current HR policies and trust that if anything happens, you’ll be covered. I mean, everything’s been ok so far, hasn’t it? What could possibly go wrong?
Option 2: Do something about it and hire someone to audit your current policies, research current employment legislation and bring them up to date.
Option 3: Invest in one or more of these legally compliant, up-to-date and integrated HR policies.

Choosing option 3 will save you an incredible amount of time, effort, and cost, and provide you with workable HR policies you can have in place faster than on your own and is one of those no-brainer decisions you’ll look back on and congratulate yourself for making in the future because it will pay you back many times the investment

It order these policies simply email me at [email protected]

NewmanHR are members of Laurel Leaf Networking.

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