Category: Declutter


The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist (2023)

And just like that, Spring is officially upon us! I think we can all agree that, after a pretty icy winter, the cool and sunny spring season is what we all need. Whether you’re a homeowner or a tenant, there are a number of home maintenance jobs that can help to keep your property in

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Laurel Alper

I don’t Need Marie Kondo: I’ve Got a Jewish Version

Marie Kondo:sparking joy (Photo:Netflix) Keren David’s clearing out the clutter, at her own pace I would not want Marie Kondo to come to my house. Although the queen of tidying, now with her own show on Netflix, seems utterly charming, there is no need at all for her to come and help me create piles

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Laurel Alper

S.T.R.E.A.M.L.I.N.E. – T is for Throw, Treasure or Transfer

Streamline your life – reduce your consumption – keep your home clutter free Decluttering is a growing trend – everyone seems to be on the journey one way or the other. For those of us already living a life of less, there is always room for improvement – less plastic, less food waste, less stress.

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streamline declutter laurel leaf networking blogs
Laurel Alper

S.T.R.E.A.M.L.I.N.E. S is for Start Over

Streamline your life – reduce your consumption – keep your home clutter free Decluttering is a growing trend – everyone seems to be on the journey one way or the other. For those of us already living a life of less, there is always room for improvement – less plastic, less food waste, less stress.

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Hiring a Professional Organiser…Why?

“Why do I need an organiser? I should be able to tidy up…” Society is pretty good at influencing where we’re allowed to ask for help. ·    Hiring a personal trainer? Well done for taking care of your health. ·    Using a Virtual Assistant? Good idea; that will make you more efficient. ·

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Self Storage-Waste of Money or Necessity?

Self Storage-Waste of Money or Necessity? Do you have a self storage container for which you pay a small fee on a monthly basis? How much do you pay a week? £10-15. That is a small price to pay to store your important and unmissable stuff and free up space in your home.  Or is

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Declutter Today

Declutter today BUSINESS OR PERSONAL! WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DECLUTTER TODAY? In business I am all for creating systems and procedures and streamlining and structuring to ensure greater productivity and efficiency.  This is something all business owners should strive for and which I work with my individual clients to achieve. But this is also

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