

Too Hot To Work?

With temperatures continuing to stay high in parts of the UK this week, at the start of the summer whether employees work from home, in an office or another workplace, rumours often circulate about employees’ rights in relation to the temperatures in which they can legally work. Following the covid pandemic, many employees continue to work

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Using a Myth Buster Saves You Stress and Sleepless nights

Employment rules and regulations are serious stuff.  If it goes it wrong it can be expensive, stressful, time consuming and will cause your business reputational damage. An experienced HR person well versed in the in the maze of employment rules and regulations will see you safely through the minefield. There are several myths around concerning

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World Cup Fever

Why is this significant for employers? England’s campaign starts today when we play Iran and history has shown that major sporting events can disrupt working patterns. Depending how the previous games have gone it could be a crucial match or a non- event  (don’t be too pessimistic ) and consideration needs to be given as

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