Category: Anxiety

Laurel Alper

Four Ways to Check You’re on the Right Path

Are you clear about what you want to achieve but never quite seem to be able to get there? Or are you constantly running into road blocks that are stopping you from achieving your vision? Do you wonder if you’re just on the wrong path and it would be easier to just turn back? I

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Eczema & How Hypnotherpay Can Help

  CALLING ALL ECZEMA SUFFERERS!! ECZEMA & HOW HYPNOTHERAPY CAN HELP Pain, itching and discomfort are signals, they are the body’s warning system telling us that something is wrong and they protect us from danger and damage. Many skin conditions, if not caused by psychological factors are often aggravated by them, because the skin is

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On Imminent Change – Anxiety and Love

On Imminent Change – anxiety and love It is a strange time right now isn’t it? There is a palpable sense of anxiety present, much illness and death, no one knowing the outcome of the European referendum, and of course other dispiriting world events causing fear, sadness and unsettledness … and yet at the same

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Change your perspective, change your life

I flew to the South West of France last week to meet my adorable five-month old nephew Eliott for the very first time. My sister-in-law and her husband live in Australia, so it was a treat to be able to spend time with them in Europe. Oh and the 20+ degree (celsius) sunny weather didn’t

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Fears, Phobia and Anxiety (part 2)

  Common Myths that prevent people taking action: MYTH 1. “I’m the only one that has this.” You and millions of other people, have exactly the same fear, phobia or anxiety as you have.  Do you know that 1 in 4 people suffer from some degree of anxiety ranging from the mild to the severe,

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