Category: Development

Using Mobile Apps to Grow your Business

Could an app help my business? It’s a question I’m asked every day, to which there is no set answer. Much like any investment business owners make, one must evaluate their company’s needs and whether the return will be worth it. Every app is unique with features tailored for purpose. There are some features that

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The Main Thing In Life Is To……

THE MAIN THING IN LIFE IS TO…   “The main thing in life is to swim …”  A Care Home Participant, during a recent poetry reading workshop. Hello,  I was inspired by the above quote from a resident at a care home during one of my poetry reading workshops – Read Aloud, for C&C Housing

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8 Tips for Email Management

8 Tips for Email Management When I worked in an office as a full-time PA, email management was often one of my tasks (although some bosses hated anyone else going through their emails!).   Some bosses’ inboxes, let alone my own, received several hundred emails a day and at times it was hard to keep up.

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The Newness Of It All

THE NEWNESS OF IT ALL     Hello! There has been a lot of new stuff to get my head around recently. We celebrated my mum’s landmark Birthday as she entered a new decade; my nephew started school for the first time; I am approaching a whole year in what still feels like a fairly

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30 Ways The Olympics Can Inspire Your Children

30 Ways The Olympics Can Inspire Your Children The Olympics. I love it. I love the idea of all nations coming together in the spirit of healthy competition. I love the stories of athletes overcoming adversity to push themselves to succeed. So it’s here. And for the next 2 weeks it’ll be everywhere.. Take it as

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What is Coding

  What is Coding? You’ve heard a lot about coding recently. Your children have mentioned it often. And you don’t want to admit, certainly not to your children, that you’re not *really* sure what it is. How about programming? You’ve heard of that too, somewhere. Computer coding is a form of communication. (Although there is

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Why your child runs into difficulty

Over the years, I have met many children who fail to concentrate in class and many who have poor writing skills. I have met children who don’t want to go school at all; some who ‘hate maths’ or reading; others who consistently under-perform, underachieve, daydream, or disrupt. Some parents – and teachers – think that

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Start Here

Start Here is one of the first core lessons from Lessons Alive. It so captivated the 9 year old boy whose lesson it was (and me), that I realised many other children could also benefit from it and wrote it into a short story called Start Here. At the end, I always ask the children

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Attitude This might seem an odd thing to teach and to talk about because it is a very personal thing, but we all know that no matter how skilled or knowledgeable a person might be, their attitude may well be the deciding factor in their success, both personal and professional. For children, too, attitude can

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