Using Mobile Apps to Grow your Business

Could an app help my business?

Itโ€™s a question Iโ€™m asked every day, to which there is no set answer. Much like any investment business owners make, one must evaluate their companyโ€™s needs and whether the return will be worth it.

Every app is unique with features tailored for purpose. There are some features that come up again and again as favourites for SMEs, and Iโ€™ve listed them here:

Instant access

The average Brit checks their phone every 6 minutes. Live where your customers go to most โ€“ their phone. With an app your customers are just one tap away from your business, wherever they are.

Skip the spam folder

Ever checked the open rate of email marketing and wanted to increase engagement? Enter push notifications. With an app you can send updates and alerts instantly to your customersโ€™ phones โ€“ unlike emails, they canโ€™t be missed.

Break down barriers

Youโ€™re on the go and want to pull up the details of a business or service on your mobile. You open your web browser, search for the company, click through to their website, navigate their website to find the details you need. It only takes a couple of minutes, but it could be easierโ€ฆ

Instead, you could open their app where all this information is readily available. You can call them or send them an email with a tap of a button with no need to search, copy or paste.

As a business with an app, youโ€™re enhancing customersโ€™ experience with your brand.

Improved search rankings

Did you know that companies with apps are favoured by Googleโ€™s algorithms? This means theyโ€™re more likely to appear higher in searches, especially on mobile (where over half of internet browsing takes place)

Increase retention

You might already have a loyalty programme for your customers, or youโ€™ve thought about it but found designing and printing loyalty cards takes up too much time and money. You can integrate a digital loyalty card into your app, cutting production time and costs for you and giving customers a card they are far less likely to leave at home!

These are just some of the features that an app can deliver to make your business better. The App Designer is offering free app demos upon request, so if you are intrigued about an app for your company, head to and weโ€™ll provide a mock up including features we think will offer real value โ€“ obligation free.



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