Employment Law


Using a Myth Buster Saves You Stress and Sleepless nights

Employment rules and regulations are serious stuff.  If it goes it wrong it can be expensive, stressful, time consuming and will cause your business reputational damage. An experienced HR person well versed in the in the maze of employment rules and regulations will see you safely through the minefield. There are several myths around concerning

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World Cup Fever

Why is this significant for employers? England’s campaign starts today when we play Iran and history has shown that major sporting events can disrupt working patterns. Depending how the previous games have gone it could be a crucial match or a non- event  (don’t be too pessimistic ) and consideration needs to be given as

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Employers – Why You Need An Employment Contract For Your Staff

The need-to-know bits when dealing with employment contracts. Employment contracts are not the most exciting topic in the world, but understanding your options and knowing what to do and when to do it, ensures things are managed quickly and efficiently, without exposure to employment claims. It is important to ensure that your employees’ contracts protect

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The Danger Of Banter

Most people are aware that employees need 2 completed years of service to bring an unfair dismissal claim at a tribunal. Less well known is that you need no service to bring a discrimination or whistleblowing claim. Discrimination claims are brought as employees believe they are discriminated against in the workplace because of one or more

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Living With Covid

The government’s ‘Living with Covid-19’ plan recently issued is aimed at enabling the country to manage Covid-19 like any other respiratory illness, while retaining the ability to respond if a new, more dangerous variant emerges. Covid is still with us and in fact infections seem to be higher than ever although mercifully hospitalisations and deaths

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Why It Is Important Not To Ignore Whistleblowing Claims

Ignore Whistleblowing at your peril To bring a Whistleblowing claim an employee does not  need 2 years continuous service. It is a day one right both employees and workers can bring a claim. Cases involving automatic unfair dismissal due to whistleblowing are increasingly being brought to tribunals by employees who otherwise would not have sufficient

Why It Is Important Not To Ignore Whistleblowing Claims Read More »

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