

We’re Halfway Through 2021 Which Is A Good Time To Take Stock.

As we all know only too well, we are living through unprecedented times. Unprecedented – and also unpredictable. Things aren’t turning out the way any of us had expected, and the property market is no exception. Who would have thought, 12 months ago, that we would be experiencing such a busy market? Who could have […]

We’re Halfway Through 2021 Which Is A Good Time To Take Stock. Read More »

Tenancy Deposits — Make Sure You Don’t Get Caught Out

Since 2007, residential landlords failing to register a deposit taken from the tenant can be fined. Perhaps more seriously, though, they can have problems recovering possession of the property. Here are some of the main points. The Landlord’s Obligations Under section 213 of the Housing Act 2004, when a residential tenant pays a deposit for

Tenancy Deposits — Make Sure You Don’t Get Caught Out Read More »

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