12 Rules For Cold Calling

12 Rules For Cold Calling

Despite rumours to the contrary, telephone cold-calling within the B2B sector, in my opinion, is very much alive and kicking in the 21st Century. Some calls maybe โ€œwarmerโ€ than others but speaking to a prospective client in order to obtain a sales appointment still remains key for many businesses.

For the sake of clarity, Iโ€™d like to highlight these definitions:

Cold Calling: Speaking to an individual in a firm youโ€™veย neverย called or met before, in order to arrange a sales appointment with a buyer.

Prospecting: Gathering information from a company youโ€™ve never previously contacted. (The internet may not provide all the answers and frequently doesnโ€™t!)

Warm Calling: Ringing in order to fix up an appointment with someone youโ€™ve previously met or had been introduced to.

Telemarketing: A generic term which covers the above.

Telephone canvassing: Akin to prospecting.

Cold Canvassing: A term that usually means door knocking in order to gain information or an impromptu sales appointment.

Tele-sales: This is where office based sales people are targeted to sell products or services over the phone โ€“ not be confused with cold-calling.

Depending on your particular industry, cold calling ought to be undertaken every day. Many sales professionals set aside at least two half-day sessions a week for this activity.

So here are my 12 ways to getting an appointment:

  1. Pick up the phone! You wonโ€™t get it any other way.
  2. Remember you are not selling a product or service โ€“ youโ€™re just making an appointment.
  3. Dealing with the gatekeeper is usually straightforward if you get them on your side. Talk to them like an intelligent human being โ€“ they usually are! If you make a friend of them youโ€™ll find they help you.
  4. Smile when you say โ€œhelloโ€ at the beginning of the call โ€“ theyโ€™ll hear the smile and that opens lots of doors!
  5. Always offer alternative appointment times, rather than asking when you can meet. e.g. โ€œWould Monday at 3 or Tuesday at 10 suit you better?โ€
  6. When they ask for information by post or e-mail, say โ€œIโ€™m happy to bring all our material with me, however, I donโ€™t want to send you a huge package. First, Iโ€™d like to have a chat with you to see if there are any common areas that we can explore.
  7. If they say โ€œIโ€™m too busyโ€, sympathise. โ€œYes, I know exactly what you mean, Iโ€™ve been working silly hours too. However, I think this could save you some time. With both of us so committed, would you prefer to leave it until next week.?โ€
  8. If you get โ€˜we donโ€™t have have a budget for this sort of thingโ€™, respond โ€œI understand that but Iโ€™d still like to have a chat so you know whatโ€™s available/possible for your next budget.
  9. If they say โ€œIโ€™m not interestedโ€, use the opportunity to get some feedback. Ask them. โ€œThatโ€™s fine, but could you let me know what the issue is that is concerning you so that I make sure I address that in the future?โ€
  10. Be careful not to patronise. Be friendly, be genuine and believe in yourself and your product or service โ€“ the belief will come across.
  11. Even if you get a โ€˜noโ€™ at the end of it, send them a note, postcard, e-mail saying โ€˜thank you for your time, I hope we get a chance to talk again at some timeโ€™. Send them another note or call again in 2-3 months time. After 4-5 calls they will think they know you and will be much more likely to agree to a meeting!
  12. Success comes in Canโ€™s not Cantโ€™sIโ€™d also like to add a thirteenthโ€ฆ.when calling try to sound natural and authenticโ€ฆand donโ€™t browbeat your customer into an appointment!

Jeremy Jacobsย is theย Sales Rainmaker.
Originally publishedย here.

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