Clissold Arms can Take you Through Life

Clissold Arms can Take you Throughย Life

Iโ€™d always known we were versatile but it was only a few days ago when I realised that we were in one way or another, suited to pretty much any event (within reason, of course)

In fact, a lot of people donโ€™t realise even close to how versatile we are. Some people come through the door and say โ€˜wow, this place is like a TARDIS!โ€™ because it looks so small from the outside.

And itโ€™s true. Our regular customers will know that on entering the pub, you will see The Kinks room (Private Function room with a heavy leaning on The Kinks), Main Restaurant (normal dining area), Terrace (which is in fact indoors but gets its name from the astroturf on the floor and pretty fairy lights adorning the ceiling), and The Shed (glam private dining room, replete with actual garden tools on the walls). The whole place takes up to 300 people, including the garden. Itโ€™s a pretty big TARDIS.

So you can see we have a lot of versatile rooms.

It occurred to me that in a week we have done the whole range: Christenings, First Holy Communions, Birthdays. Bar Mitzvahs, Weddings and Funerals. Sad as they may be, we are a venue that is so versatile that we can be appropriate for most functions you can think of. Baby shower? Yup, weโ€™ve done them. Singles night? Yep. Frozen themed kids party? Hawaiian themed Bat Mitzvah? Tick. Bollywood 18th? Sure. Casino staff party? Weโ€™ve done it twice. For any of lifeโ€™s occasions, big, small, happy, sad โ€“ you name it, we can take you through them.

Even if youโ€™re not sure, itโ€™s always worth a try- we have so many different spaces, menus and layouts, the combinations are endless.

And even outside functions, we can still be there for you. We werenโ€™t named family pub of the year (SE & London) last year for nothing. Your kids can come to the many community events hosted here, your teens can enjoy the garden in the summer with an iced tea, you can enjoy dinner and a drink before dancing your socks off to a Motown night.

So, planning a World of Warcraft party?

We just might be able to helpโ€ฆ

This blog was originally published: ย here

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