How Facebook Groups Reach The Parts Their Ad Campaigns Can’t


Advertising in Facebook groups is such an effective way to reach a highly targeted audience, if you know how to advertise your services or products and which groups attract the consumers you’re looking to connect with.

Facebook groups are communities that people have chosen to join so they’re already interested in the groups content. Your captive audience is ready and waiting!

Members often say to me they don’t know how to create content, they just don’t know where to start when attempting to write copy. Just remember, any promotional posts should add value to the audience. A great way to start is by writing down the key benefits of your service or product. Each day, pick one chosen benefit and create further copy around it. It’s often the first sentence that’s the hardest.

You can create your own images and videos to go along with your copy, via Canva. Canva is a free creative software platform who have created a multitude of tutorials, making it very easy to get started.

As important as advertising in Facebook groups is engagement. If you engage with other group members’ posts by commenting on their thread, you not only boost the reach of the person who is advertising (therefore making your fellow member happy) but also connect with people who may have similar interests, hobbies, or professions. You’ll have the opportunity to make new connections with professionals who may share similar goals, challenges, or passions.

Facebook groups let members collaborate, share ideas, work on projects together and recommend other members’ services, not just in the groups but to all the people they’re connected with away from social media.

By engaging with group members and providing them with valuable content, you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche and build trust with potential customers.

Value > Engagement > Networking > Advertising Reach > Advertising Authenticity > Sale

Our six Facebook groups are an extension of our business directory, and members of the directory can advertise unrestricted in all the groups.

Did you know that business directories help build brand awareness in terms of search engine optimisation (SEO). Your business website and social media links create additional backlinks once added to your directory profile listing, ensuring your company, service or product is easier to find.

Our business directory membership is such a cost-effective way to advertise, we have over 40K members overall in our six groups, that’s huge potential reach! More than you can effectively reach via Facebook ad campaigns, unless you spend an awful lot of dosh!

For more information on membership and the key benefits of joining, please click this link.
If you scroll further down the page, you’ll also find the links to our six Facebook groups.


If you’re interested in attending our next in-person Networking Event (in Hampstead, London), just click this link for more information.

2 thoughts on “How Facebook Groups Reach The Parts Their Ad Campaigns Can’t”

  1. Great explanation, learnt a lot. Thank you Laurel Leaf Networking. Also love the networking video.

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