How 3 Minutes of Gratitude a Day Can Change Everything


Do you feel like everythingโ€™s always going a bit wrong? Do you always find yourself focusing on the bad or annoying things that have happened in the day? Do you always see how people are letting you down?

Seeing the negative is something many of us gravitate more easily towards.

It fuels our stress, worry and anxiety.

And the more attention we give these things, the deeper we feel and experience them.

But there is another way.

It just takes a little bit of practice.

Though not much.

Committing to as little as 2-3 minutes a day can change everything.

Youโ€™ll see more positive things appear in your life.

Youโ€™ll notice the lovely things that others are doing for you and what they are contributing to others.

Youโ€™ll learn how to celebrate your own positive qualities and gifts and want to share these more and more with others.

All this for 2-3 minutes a day.

Really? Yes, really.

It comes in the form of a gratitude practice.

Last week I hosted a 7 day gratitude challenge over in my private Facebook group.

If you commit to 2 or 3 minutes a day, you can have all these benefits.

Itโ€™s a bit like committing to brushing your teeth.

You look after your teeth by brushing for 2-3 minutes at least twice a day. And we do this without thinking about it, donโ€™t we?

So why wouldnโ€™t you invest 2-3 minutes a day looking after your own emotional and mental wellbeing in the same way?

You can also get your kids involved and help them to build their emotional resilience and wellbeing. You can do it at the dinner table and together share your gratitude for the day.

Itโ€™s the first thing I get my clients to do and the amazing thing is that those who commit to it, make quicker progress in getting to their goals and creating change in their lives.

So are you ready to commit to 2-3 minutes a day on being grateful?


There are daily short videos and daily tips to help you. Even a few gifts along the way 😊

I will support you in building a gratitude practice

I donโ€™t want to give it all away now but here are some of the things Iโ€™ve been sharing over the last week:

  1. Keep it simple โ€“ note down just 3 things, more if you can.
  2. It only takes 2-3 minutes a day, thatโ€™s all to feel better.
  3. Note it down โ€“ itโ€™s really powerful.
  4. Start to notice the things youโ€™re grateful for as theyโ€™re actually happening.
  5. Notice the things about yourself youโ€™re grateful for, your gifts and what you contribute.
  6. Use your senses to help you see what youโ€™re grateful for in the moment.
  7. Look out for what people DO do for you, not what they arenโ€™t doing โ€“ those relationships will improve so quickly.
  8. Check out the tip cards in the group โ€“ thereโ€™s loads of tips to help you on your gratitude journey.
  9. All the posts from the challenge are under the topic GRATITUDE CHALLENGE, so go to the topics section and you can start on DAY 0.
  10. Get others involved and share the gratitude love.

Remember:ย ย Start small and build from there.ย 

All you have to do isย join the groupย and commit 2-3 minutes a day (plus watching the short videos in the first week)

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S.ย Hereโ€™s what a couple of people said about the challenge:

โ€œIโ€™m really getting a buzz out of doing this challenge.โ€

โ€œThis challenge came just at the right time for me Natashaย to re-invigorate my gratitude reflectionsโ€

โ€œLoving this gratitude challenge Natasha. My gratitude journal is brimming with gratitude today!

โ€œLoving the challenge.ย What a great ideaโ€

โ€œMy son is loving this challenge, we do it around the dinner table in the eveningโ€

โ€œToday Iโ€™m grateful to Natasha for running the Gratitude Challengeโ€ฆthanks Natasha!pastedGraphic.png

P.P.S.ย What great things are missing right now, that you could be grateful for and will help you to focus on something more uplifting?ย By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.P.S.ย Reply via email โ€“ Iโ€™d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if youโ€™re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!ย [email protected]


Blog originally published here.
Natasha Harris is a member of our networking and business group.

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