Hello & Happy New Year from Creative Writes headquarters!

Happy New Year, Happy New Creative Writing!

Hello & Happy New Year from Creative Writes headquarters!

I am delighted to be back with new creative writing workshops in Muswell Hill, N10 and this brand new website.

There has been a lot of behind the scenes work going on to create the website and we hope you enjoy using it. Thank you to Crouch End Media: http://crouchendmedia.co.uk/ This will be an exciting year ahead for Creative Writes. We will be continuing to offer our creative writing workshop programme of Wednesday evening blocks, Themed Workshops and one to one Masterclasses – both in the real world and on Skype. We have also added the Weekend Workshop to our programme, due to the success of the Write Your Legacy and Create Your Treasure Box weekend last year. Gift Vouchers can now be purchased for all of the above workshops. You can find out more and book here on the new website. If you have any questions, contact me.

Click for courses here.

I will let you into a secret, sometimes I am so busy pouring my energy into the Creative Writes workshop preparation that I lose sight of what really matters  – the writing! Over the Holiday Season, I made time to write just for the sake of it. I write on a regular basis but it is often to try out an idea for the workshops. It helps living in such an inspiring part of North London as yesterday for example, I was sitting overlooking the lake at Ali Pali. It was immense fun, scribbling away in my new year notebook on a beautifully crisp, January day. I made space and then the words poured out. I am excited about the direction these words started to take that I am going to write more when I have finished this blog post.

As many of you know, I don’t just work in Muswell Hill, N10. I also travel around London and its boarders – facilitating creative writing and poetry reading workshops for community centres, arts projects, women’s groups, sheltered housing, mental health supported housing and care homes.

I love my work because it is engaging, challenging and never dull. I am learning all the time. I am privileged to work with so many writers each week, all at different stages in their writing journeys. I hear many words and many stories. We all have something to say and I am committed to providing a safe, fun and creative space for you to write it down.

I will be focussing this year on developing my community work in North London and continuing to offer innovative Creative Writes Workshops in Muswell Hill.

Join me in 2017 for our writing journey!

Bye for now,

Nichola x


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