4 Reasons to Hire Manned Security Guards for Commercial Buildings

Security Guard

Security Services

Commercial buildings can contain a company’s most valuable assets and it’s of critical importance to maintain security for highly sensitive documents, operations and internal workings.

A security guard for your building will ensure that your property is safe and secure, and that the businesses that choose to base their operations in your building will have total peace of mind. Security guards presence also reassures visitors to your premises, that they are entering a safer environment.

But the benefits don’t stop there – here are our four top reasons to hire manned security guards for your commercial buildings.

1. Employee Safety

At the top of the list is employee safety. Whether it’s escorting employees to their car on dark winter evenings or ensuring that no unwanted intruders enter the building during the day, the staff in your building will benefit from the peace of mind that can only come from the knowledge that professional but friendly manned security guards are keeping them safe.

2. Professionalism

Nothing says ‘professionalism’ to clients like manned security guards monitoring the entrances and exits of your commercial buildings. Usually a service only suited to larger budgets, security guards will afford the businesses in your building a look of professionalism and importance often only afforded to larger companies.

3. Theft Deterrents

Unfortunately, not all threats to a business come from outside intruders. Internal theft can cost businesses thousands (if not tens of thousands) of pounds if left unchecked, and one of the simplest ways to prevent theft is a robust guarding service in your commercial buildings. Manned security guards can implement a bag search process at your building exits for maximum security, but often even the visible presence of a security guard on site is enough to deter theft, without the need to implement search procedures for staff.

4. Insurance Premiums

As an office building manager responsible for insurance, hiring manned security guards for your commercial buildings is likely to reduce the premiums you pay, as many insurance companies recognise the effectiveness of security staff in deterring criminal damage and theft.

Our Services

We offer first-class manned guarding services specially suited to large office buildings.

We only recruit and train the highest caliber security personnel and all staff are trained to industry-led standards. Our employees undergo a thorough screening and vetting process before they are accepted as part of the team; this includes obtaining up-to-date Criminal Records Bureau checks via police databases, as well as ensuring that all our officers are SIA licensed so you know that your employees and valuable business assets are safe and secure.

Furthermore, we regularly review our systems and procedures and make every effort to continually develop the service we offer.

We also always offer our staff refresher courses and new training in key areas, to ensure their skills are up to date and relevant

Make sure you protect your office by booking a free security consultation with us today.
Call 020 7724 4478.

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