Royal Ascot Dress Code 2018

Royal Ascot

With the Royal Ascot 2018 fast approaching we’ve had a number of enquiries about suits for one of the most glamorous events in the social calendar. Every year the dress code for the Royal Ascot gets stricter and stricter, so we have pulled together some must have information for you on what you can and can’t wear. On the Ascot website it is stated that the Racecourse can refuse entry to anyone who has not followed the dress code and is “dressed inappropriately”. Therefore, these rules are not to be taken lightly.

One thing to immediately note is that this year a new rule has been introduced for men in that they must wear socks at all times and in all enclosures. So just in case anyone was thinking of turning up without socks on, be aware that you may be turned away at the entrance.

For men who are allowed into the Royal Enclosure, the most prestigious area of the event, it is imperative that either a black or grey morning suit is worn. This involves a waist coat, a tie, a black or grey top hat and black shoes (with socks of course).

Once in, it is imperative that top hats are worn at all times unless you are within a restaurant, a private box, a private club or using the terrace, balcony, garden or anywhere with enclosed seating within the Royal Enclosure Garden.

Cravats have also been declared unacceptable along with the customisation of top hats with coloured ribbons for example.

Those who have access to the Grandstand Enclosure which is not quite as exclusive will have to abide by less stringent rules but should still take note of what is acceptable attire. Previously, a jacket with a tie was allowed but this year a matching suit combination is required.

Gentlemen in the Silver Ring will not be subjected to a formal dress-code but a shirt must be worn at all times.

We hope this information is helpful to anyone who is attending this year. For more information on exactly what to wear please visit the Royal Ascot Website or feel free to get in touch with us.


Blog originally published here.

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