What’s In A Week?

What’s In A Week
Hello, how has your week been?


I’ve had a really busy week. Much of the time has been spent working or in work related activities. This doesn’t mean it has felt like a chore. In contrast – it has been stimulating, engaging and fun. I’ve met and been re-united with some wonderful people. Here are the highlights…
I went for the first time to Cat’s Cradle after teaching my workshops. It’s a small & supportive, skill sharing group for creative writing facilitators. We had a chance to bounce ideas around and it was a real privilege to be amongst such wonderful company – who are involved with such interesting projects.
It was a work at home day today and I ticked some tasks off my list – including ordering new business cards, workshop preparation and social media updates for Creative Writes.
It was so exciting to be back at Laurel Leaf’s Networking group tonight! The room was electric with energy when I arrived and I enjoyed talking to familiar and new faces. It’s not just about selling our businesses, it’s about building community too. There was a lot of laughter and some great connections. 
Smiles & Laughter – Laurel Leaf Networking Event this week. Photo by Simon Kane
Today was a full teaching day. I facilitated my weekly Mimosa women’s group – in partnership with Chalk the Sun, in Battersea this morning. We have some new members and the writers were really focussed. After this, I went off to Raynes Park for poetry reading sessions in two Care Homes. We read a range of poetry, including John Clare and Margaret Cropper. As usual, I learnt so much from the residents – their insights and stories.
My Claremont Writers stepped up to the challenge once again this morning! I throw so many different ideas at them and they simply laugh and say “It’s a Nichola special!”
I attended a fantastic expressive writing workshop this afternoon in London Bridge, with my friend who had travelled down from Birmingham. The group was facilitated by a fellow Lapidus member and it was great to see some of those who had been at the Lapidus Weekend in Chester earlier this year. It was wonderful to write in such a supportive group. In the evening, we went to ‘A Suffragette’s Song,’ a musical by The Crouch End Players at the atmospheric Art Deco Hornsey Town Hall. It brought back a lot of research I had carried out for the ScreenDeep Audio Project at the Museum of London Docklands, which was focussed on Music Hall and made a strong link with the Suffragettes. A lovely time was had by all!
Brunch with friends & preparing for the week ahead!

Please do share your reflections on your week with us:) Here’s to a wonderful, stimulating week ahead for you.

Nichola x
This blog was originally posted here.

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