Your Essential Tool in Marketing


So, you have created a website for your business!

You’ve probably also got some social media organised!

But what about your blog?

A blog is a great marketing tool which keeps your business website being ranked highly in Google, as well as providing much needed advice and information to your actual and potential followers and clients.

More importantly you write it as you.  You are the expert, so let people know!

Some examples of what makes you the expert:

(i) you are a medical practitioner who specialises in acupuncture or natural therapies and have a knowledge which the general person in the street does not have – this is the perfect way to impart your knowledge and educate others; or

(ii) you are a florist who loves to teach people how to create bouquets or what the best flowers are each season; or

(iii) you are an accountant who has important information for all business owners about their tax or how to create accounting systems.

Tell people what they need to know! 

When you create a regular blog, this becomes a great marketing tool for your business. 

Although you will continue to update your website and make changes as required to content or add images to represent your business and your brand, your blog will be your main marketing avenue.  This is the way to alert the general public or your clients to new information, upcoming events or just something you feel is something you want to say.

Remember when blogging make sure you have set aside the time to write your posts.

You may only be a small business, but with the technology available today, it is so much easier to compete with the large companies and let your expertise shine through.

Provide bullet points of information and add images to enable visualisation of the content of your blog.

If you are not sure how to start your blog and make it work for you, then why not take up one of my one on one personalised training sessions, where I will guide you through the steps to making your first blog post live, and let everyone know about it!

©Hazel Theocharous

2 thoughts on “Your Essential Tool in Marketing”

  1. Hi Hazel,
    Great blog . I don’t blog but I’m interested in getting
    started . Perhaps we can get together for a chat

  2. This is a good reminder, Hazel, of all that you teach in your fabulous blogging course. I’m so glad it’s still available online for us to dip in and out of as needed. Thanks so much!

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