Autumn Invites Us to Slow Down

Autumn invites us to slow down.

With its rusty colors and โ€œcrispyโ€ air, it almost demands that we stop and take all its beauty in.

The harvest season brings along a magical quietness which allows us to open our heart in gratitude for the old & new in our life.

The end of summer can often trigger anxiety, especially when we realize that most of the year has gone.

We erroneously then try and catch up with things we should have done or dwell on whatโ€™s yet to come.

Rather this is the time to look at restoring balance andย cherish our achievements.

While the days slowly get darker and shorter, we have an opportunity to look at what no longer serves us and let it go.

Often in the autumnal twilight dreams once bright and exiting now appear weakened and tired.

If we donโ€™t succumb to fear, we can almost sense our soul gestating new ideas.

We can walk away from the old while having a glimpse of what might come.

In the silent slowness of the autumnal days, we can make peace with what could not be achieved.

And get ourselves ready to receive new promises.

Wrapping it up:

  • Take advantage of the richness Autumn carries by allowing yourself to do something out of the ordinary
  • If you are a โ€œcity soulโ€, consider switching the hustle and bustle for a quiet walk in the woods
  • Perhaps make a point to bake something yummy for the tummy (and the heart), or create autumnal home decorations with leaves and conkers
  • ย While you allow your mind and body to slow down, you create space for a very regenerative and magical silence
  • This is the space that allows you to consciously look at what youโ€™ve been working on but no longer feels right
  • Can youย LET IT GO?
  • When we hold on tight to dreams and ideas, we often miss the dormant opportunities in what we canโ€™t see yet
  • This Autumn,ย allow yourself to consider if your current dreams are a true reflection of your heart or your fears; when you decide what stays and what goes, pat yourself on the shoulder and enjoy the beauty the world offers at this special time.


Thank you for visitingย Bliss in the City.

If you like my work and want to know how I can help you find balance and ease in the midst of urban madness, clickย hereย &ย here!

Much Love & Grace from My heart to Yours xxx


Blog originally published here.

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