The Ever-Declining Reach on Organic Posts


With all the recent changes on Facebook and the ever-declining reach on Organic posts, we thought it would be good to let you know how to deal with declining organic reach on Facebook

So let’s dive straight in!

You must become more selective about what you post.

So that means you must switch gears from untargeted, frequent publishing to targeted, selective publishing. Your goal should be to get as much interaction from a single post as possible.

Each post published to a brand Page can be targeted to a specific audience regardless of whether it’s sponsored, this could improve overall interaction with that post among other people who are likely to find it more interesting and relevant.

To do this go to settings



Then change your setting as seen below


Remind your Fans they can go to Pages Feed on the left sidebar of their News Feed to see content from Pages they’ve Liked. 


Educate your super fans that they can update their notification settings from your page.


Encourage fans to engage with your posts when they do see them, so they see more of them.

This can be as simple as adding a reminder to “Please Like and share” at the end of your posts.

You must share engaging videos on Facebook.

Videos on Facebook are engaging and make visitors more likely to stop, watch, and maybe even unmute when they spot them in the News Feed. Use videos with captions, animations, and engaging visuals to draw in Facebook users’ attention.

Facebook videos have an 186% higher engagement rate and are shared more than 1000% more than videos linked to from other hosting sites. So, we suggest you take the extra steps to publish videos for the platforms you’re promoting them on for best results — distribute your content on Facebook, YouTube, and other social platforms you’re trying to leverage.

Broadcast on Facebook Live.

If you’re not already doing so, start broadcasting on Facebook Live. Users spend 3X more time watching live broadcasts than traditional videos on the platform, so start experimenting with live content if you’re concerned about your organic reach. Advertise what you’re doing on different platforms to generate buzz, broadcast for several minutes (at least) to help your broadcast get in the News Feed, and share authentic, behind-the-scenes content to attract and interest your viewers.

Re-allocate your time and effort toward your owned assets.

Focus on the digital channels you entirely own and control — your website and blog.  We suggest you spend lots time creating content blog posts and long-form. This will improve your inbound traffic, leads, and customers long after they’re first created. Then share these onto the appropriate social media platforms for additional reach.

You must start treating Facebook like a paid ad platform.

If you’re going to pay-to-play, you need to get your targeting right.

If you do advertise, you need to go beyond the basics.

Facebook’s targeting capabilities have gotten considerably better over the past few years. You can now pay to reach your ideal persona based on demographics, interests, web behaviour, and more. Additionally, there are an array of tools and features that can help you maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns, including:

Conversion Tracking: Track the actions of site visitors after viewing your Facebook ad.

Custom Audiences: Target Facebook ads based on your email list.

Lookalike Audiences: Target Facebook users similar to your customers.

Audience Insights: Learn about your existing Facebook audience to better target your ads.

Website Custom Audiences: Target Facebook users who have visited your website before.

We suggest you get on board with these changes now!

Blog originally published here.
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