Are You In Or Are You Out?

social media

The term “social media” has become a household one over the last few years, a feat nothing can achieve without being one of two things: loved or hated. Depending on your age, occupation, geographic location and many other factors, you may love or hate social media.

As you juggle your decision as to whether or not you or your business should be on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or any other platform, here are just a few reasons why we love social media and why you should too:

Share your own opinions

We live in a free country that allows us to share our own opinions and thoughts how we choose within reason. Doing so without the internet only leads you so far. You want to change the minds of others and influence people across the globe? Unless you go where the masses are, you’re going to have a hard time. It just so happens that the masses are on the Internet and more specifically on social media.

Social media accounts give you places to store your opinions where anyone across the world is free to read them if you choose to let them. From there, you can compare your thoughts and views and engage with others.

Connect with the world

Expand the brand — isn’t that what every business wants to do? Whether you own an international, national, provincial or local company, social media allows you to reach your target market without even leaving the comfort of your own office. With social media marketing, you no longer need to worry about newspaper or radio advertising taking up too much of your annual budget. Begin a social media campaign and reach your market, no matter where on Earth they are located, with ease.

There’s always something to learn

Because social media connects you to the world, you are learning from everyone. Want to know more about marketing? Follow the world leaders in that industry. Interested in sports? Target media members and athletes of interest. The beautiful part of all of this is that the people you want to learn from may also share unrelated content, providing you with further knowledge on various topics. Then you really will know more than the next guy in line.


From a career perspective, social media allows you to stay on top of trends and data related to your industry. You can make up-to-the-minute decisions based on the information that is constantly rolling in. If you’re not a business owner and just want to know what is happening around the world, nowhere will you find more up-to-the-minute news and information than social media. Waiting for the six o’clock news, something that will surely be extinct in the foreseeable future, is no longer a requirement.

Many consider social media to be a waste of time. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Whether you are interested in social media for leisure or work, it has something to offer for everyone.

Share, control, connect, learn and remain up-to-date with Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or whatever social media platform you find to best suit your interests, needs and wants.

Blog originally published here.
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