Treasure Chest of Wishes

star 2016 (2)

Happy New Year!

How is 2016 going for you so far?

I re-charged my batteries with some winter sun in the Canaries at the beginning of the year – it was a great plan! Since my return, I have been focussing in my workshops on the year ahead – guiding my participants through writing exercises which explore what it is they wish for. We have also been opening treasures from the past year – what do you want to keep from 2015? We have also been reading some inspiring poetry along these themes. The poetry and writing topics have provoked some truly engaging conversation and powerful, poignant writing – in care homes, community centres and my new Mimosa women’s writing group in Battersea (collaboration with Chalk the Sun).

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Our first Creative Writes/Chalk the Sun Mimosa creative writing workshop January 2016


– Block of three Motivational Wednesdays; 20th Jan, 27th Jan & 3rd February, 7.30-9.30pm, £105
– February Themed Workshops, Wednesdays: 10th, 17th & 24th February, 7.30-9.30pm, £40 per workshop:
Wednesday 10th February, 7.30-9.30pm
What are your promises, dreams & wishes for 2016? What memories will you treasure from the past year? You will be guided through a series of free flow exercises, to lay the foundations for a creative year.
Wednesday 17th February, 7.30-9.30pm
This is a popular Themed Creative Writes Workshop, equipping you with a toolbox of ideas with which to create character, both real and fictional. We will start with ourselves – the characters we know best!
Wednesday 24th February, 7.30-9.30pm

The Season of Winter is a powerful trigger for memories, images, poetry and stories. We will spend the two hours covering a range of material and you will be guided through fast paced exercises.

– Block of five Wednesday Workshops; 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th March & 6th April 2016, 7.30-9.30pm, £175 

This five week block will enable you to build your writing practice and ideas, while getting to know your fellow writers. You will be guided through a series of fast paced creative writing exercises, covering a range of content. Content will be adapted to suit the needs and interests of the group.

I look forward to seeing you at a workshop this New Year. Please click on the following link for further information and booking:

Lanzarote Sculpture - man Jan 2016 (360x640)

Looking ahead to the New Year

Bye for now,

Nichola x

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