Weddings, Wreath Making & More…

Kirsty’s Bridal Bouquet, September 2017 Picture by Urban Flower Farmer

A long overdue blog from Urban Flower Farmer….Wow what a busy year it has been! We have had a fantastic Wedding Season and as things start to slow a little I thought it was about time to say hello and update you on whats been happening, start blogging again (yes I have been very slack, but it’s been busy!) and also we have some news on upcoming workshops we are running.

But first a quick overview of the last few months…..of course we had our re-brand back in June and the feedback has been fantastic. Thank you to everyone who has supported us and continues to recommend us to friends and colleagues, I cant tell you how much it means to us. We have worked on some fabulous weddings and I have included a few snapshots of just a few of my favourites (too many to include but next time I will post more). We have been all over the South East with a fair few London weddings as well as lots in and around the Home Counties…from Essex to Hertfordshire to Berkshire….it’s been great.

I loved working on Belle & Lissie’s June Wedding at The Asylum…just magical….Picture by Emily Steve Photography

We have worked with some lovely couples and also provided flowers for the odd DIY Bride & Groom, we have dressed Chuppa’s, staircases, adorned tables, dressed churches and even provided flowers for the odd doggie guest……as always in this job you get to meet the most amazing people and suppliers along the way so if you are stuck for some talented photographers, makeup artists or anything else event related check out our recommended supplier page or drop me an email and just ask – I am bound to know someone and I am always happy to help.

Picture below Sarah & James East London wedding.

Sarah & James’s East London Wedding, July 2017 Picture by Alice Bing

The Bouquet pictured below was from the lovely May wedding of Ruth & Steve at the gorgeous Lillibrook Manor….to read more click here. Steve & Ruth also run Creative Chuppahs and hire out chuppas for your special day and can even make a bespoke chuppah for you.

Here at URBAN FLOWER FARMER we grow flowers from April to October supplying fresh and sustainable flowers to our clients. If we don’t grow what you are looking for we work with many fabulous growers and will be able to source your flowers for you, using British grown flowers where possible. Click here to read more.

Steve & Ruth’s Berkshire Wedding at Lillibrooke Manor, May 2017 Picture by Marcin Czerminski

WINTER WREATH MAKING WORKSHOPS….. We will be running our popular wreath-making workshops during December so for more information please click here or if you would like to discuss a private workshop for you and your friends please drop us an email at [email protected].

Our workshop is just £55 per person and includes all your tuition, materials and a yummy vintage tea. You will make a moss based wreath and decorate using lots of lush foliage, feathers, berries…..and dare I mention the C word? Yes we will have Christmas goodies for those of you that want something a bit more festive…

Winter Wreath, Urban Flower Farmer……

Well, that’s all we have time for, I hope you have enjoyed reading our latest blog. Please do like us on facebook, instagram and twitter and don’t forget to comment below if there is anything you would like to read about on the blog…..always happy to receive comments and suggestions.

Blog originally published here.

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