Why Does It Matter


Please do not disturb! Writing in response to photos from the C&C Archive

During one of my recent workshops, I asked the group – who I have been working with since January, why the weekly writing workshops matter to them? I asked them this because they were talking about how they really didn’t like it when they had to miss a week. They said they do everything they can each week to make space in their busy lives.

Here are some of the comments:

“I really look forward to Thursdays. I’m itching to get there. You’ve got someone who knows more than you do…It’s for my general welfare. I love to read and I love to explore. It takes you away from reality, clears your mind.  EL
“It makes you focus on the things you want to focus on – feeling challenged. Having that respite…suddenly transports you somewhere else.” MG

Over to you: 

Why does writing matter to you? If you attend creative writing workshops, why do they matter?
Comments welcome on the blog! 

A C&C creative writing workshop in action
Hearing discussions like this and the support that the writers in all of my weekly groups give each-other, makes it all the more worth while. We recently arranged for one of my regular C&C Housing Trust creative writing groups from a sheltered housing scheme for older people, to  visit an art group at another sheltered housing scheme. It was a wonderful morning, as you can see from the pictures below. We had taken both groups to Charleston House to support the work we did on the Bloomsbury group and as a result, they have produced powerful writing and art work. Some of the writing pieces had been sent over to the art group and they had painted in response to them. When the groups met up, they then read the writing and showed the art work which corresponded to the piece. There was such genuine interest and respect. 
Two C&C groups share their work – creative writing & art pieces
When not running workshops, I can be found rummaging through the trunk (below) which is full of incredible letters, books, photographs and treasures yet to be discovered – all of which belonged to Mrs Chesterton the founder of C&C (Central & Cecil Housing Trust). This research forms part of our ACE funded ‘My Front Door Project,’ which will culminate in a site specific performance at end of September for International Older People’s Day. Each time I visit the trunk I find more gems and feel very privileged to spend so much time there.
Mrs Chesterton’s Trunk

The regular Creative Writes Workshops in Muswell Hill, N10 started again last week with the new Themed Workshop ‘Keys.’ It was fantastic to work with such an enthusiastic and focused group ofCreative Writes Returners! We looked at poems from Jean Sprackland’sCollection ‘Sleeping Keys,’ which was perfect inspiration. I was also lucky enough to have new keys added to my collection by a kindly locksmith! I will offer this workshop again. 

Here is a comic and comment from one of the participants:

“I wonder what door this opens?” Cartoon by Divyam Chaya Bernstein, after the Creative Writes ‘Keys’ Workshop

“Had a wonderful time last night at the Creative Writes workshop led by the fabulous Nichola Charalambou on the theme of keys!” Divyam Chaya Bernstein

Creating Character Themed Workshop – Wednesday 22nd June, 7.30pm.
Colour As Writing Inspiration – Wednesday 29th June, 7.30pm.
Block of Three July 2016 Creative Writing Workshops from Wednesday 13th July, 7.30pm.
Further info & booking here
More Creative Writes Workshop dates coming soon! 
All Creative Writes Workshops are in central Muswell Hill, N10. There is a maximum of ten in each group. We give you time and space to write. Workshops are small, supportive, motivational and tailor-made. 
See you soon!

Nichola x
Original post published here

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